“Designer Babies” Lecture Slated for 9/15

The Henry Rutgers Term Chair for Ethics, Health, and Society and the Department of Philosophy and Religion will host “Designer Babies: Choosing Our Children’s Genes,” with guest lecturer Dr. Bonnie Steinbock, Professor Emerita of SUNY–Albany, on Friday, September 15th.  Dr. Steinbock will discuss how new technology gives us hope to one day cure or prevent … Continue reading “Designer Babies” Lecture Slated for 9/15

Register Now for the Consent to Sex Workshop on 4/28

The Department of Philosophy and Religion and Dr. Eric Chwang, Henry Rutgers Term Chair in Ethics, Health, and Society, will present a “Consent to Sex Workshop” on Friday, April 28.  All are welcome, but registration is required.  The schedule is as follows: 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.: “Reasons for Yes: What Makes Consent Affirmative?”, Margo … Continue reading Register Now for the Consent to Sex Workshop on 4/28

Philosophy and Religion Student Achievement and Research Celebration on 4/25

On Tuesday, April 25, join the Department of Philosophy and Religion as they honor the research and achievements of their undergraduate students.  The luncheon will feature mini-presentations by students, the announcement of department awards, and the celebration of graduating students. The event begins at 12:30 p.m. in the Armitage Hall Faculty Lounge.  Contact Dr. Melissa … Continue reading Philosophy and Religion Student Achievement and Research Celebration on 4/25

Moral Philosopher Peter Singer to Give Lecture 11/22

The moral philosopher Peter Singer, author of the books The Life You can Save and The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism is Changing Ideas about Living Ethically, will be on campus Tuesday, November 22nd, to discuss the effective altruism movement and how it can make a difference to the world.  His talk will begin at 3 … Continue reading Moral Philosopher Peter Singer to Give Lecture 11/22

“Ethics of Animal Agriculture” Lecture Scheduled for 4/16

Rachel Atcheson, Director of the Philadelphia branch of The Humane League, will present the lecture “Ethics of Animal Agriculture,” on Thursday, April 16th, from 12:30 p.m. – 1:20 p.m.  This event will take place in the West AB Conference Room in the Campus Center.  Lunch will be provided.  This free event is open to all. This event … Continue reading “Ethics of Animal Agriculture” Lecture Scheduled for 4/16

Dept. of Philosophy and Religion Present Islam and Media Panel on 11/19

On Wednesday, November 19th, the Department of Philosophy and Religion will present the panel discussion, “Islam and the Media Debate on the Sources of Violence and Terrorism.”   On a recent episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher and guest Sam Harris described Islam as a major source of violence, terrorism, abuses of women’s … Continue reading Dept. of Philosophy and Religion Present Islam and Media Panel on 11/19