This fall, the Rutgers–Camden Center for the Arts is participating for the ninth time in The Big Read, with the novel In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. A faculty lecture series will be part of the celebration, and the third and final lecture will take place on Tuesday, November 13, at 1 p.m., with guest lecturer Dr. Lorrin … Continue reading Dr. Lorrin Thomas to Present on Nov. 13 for The Big Read Lecture Series…
Tag: English
Writers in Camden Series Concludes Nov. 7 with Victor LaValle
The Writers House will continue its 2018-2019 Writers in Camden series on Wednesday, November 7, with a reading by Victor LaValle. This event is co-sponsored by the Digital Studies Center and the Honors College. This event is #HonorsApproved. Victor LaValle is the author of the short story collection Slapboxing with Jesus, four novels, The Ecstatic, Big Machine, The Devil in Silver, and The Changeling and two novellas, Lucretia and the … Continue reading Writers in Camden Series Concludes Nov. 7 with Victor LaValle…
“Frankenstein” Runs Through Nov. 4
To celebrate the 200th anniversary of the original publication of Mary Shelley’s horror story, Frankenstein, Rutgers–Camden Theater kicks off its season with Austin Tichenor’s thrilling and faithful stage adaption. The brilliant Dr. Frankenstein creates life in his laboratory, but he soon realizes that he can’t control it, and must destroy it. Widely regarded as the original science … Continue reading “Frankenstein” Runs Through Nov. 4…
Kelley Riley CCAS ’16 to Speak at the Digital Commons on Oct. 29
The Digital Studies Center will host Kelley Riley, a 2016 graduate of the Camden College of Arts and Sciences, to speak at the Digital Commons on Monday, October 29, at 11:30 a.m. Riley will discuss the transition from being a student, majoring in biology with an English minor, to having a career as a webcomic … Continue reading Kelley Riley CCAS ’16 to Speak at the Digital Commons on Oct. 29…
Dr. LeeAnn Westman to Present on Oct. 23 as Part of The Big Read Lecture Series
This fall, the Rutgers–Camden Center for the Arts is participating for the ninth time in The Big Read, with the novel In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. A faculty lecture series will be part of the celebration, and the second lecture will take place on Tuesday, October 23, at 1 p.m., with guest lecturer Dr. LeeAnn Westman, Associate … Continue reading Dr. LeeAnn Westman to Present on Oct. 23 as Part of The Big Read Lecture Series…
“In the Time of the Butterflies” Book Exhibition Now Open
In celebration of the Rutgers–Camden Center for the Art‘s participation in The Big Read, which this year is focusing on Julia Alvarez‘s In the Time of the Butterflies, the Paul Robeson Library has curated a collection of books, biographies, and criticism related to the novel. This exhibit will be on display until December 9. All are … Continue reading “In the Time of the Butterflies” Book Exhibition Now Open…
Dr. Holly Blackford to Present on Oct. 10 as Part of The Big Read Lecture Series
This fall, the Rutgers–Camden Center for the Arts is participating for the ninth time in The Big Read, with the novel In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. A faculty lecture series will be part of the celebration, and the first one will take place on Wednesday, October 10, at 5:30 p.m., with guest lecturer … Continue reading Dr. Holly Blackford to Present on Oct. 10 as Part of The Big Read Lecture Series…
National Book Award Winner Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti to Speak on Campus on Oct. 4
Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti, an acclaimed poet, essayist, educator, and publisher, as well as a National Book Award recipient and founder of the Third World Press and the Institute for Positive Education, will be at Rutgers–Camden on Thursday, Oct. 4, for a public conservation with Ms. Sandra Turner Barnes, a South Jersey historian, author, and … Continue reading National Book Award Winner Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti to Speak on Campus on Oct. 4…
Join us for a Lecture about Globalization on Sept. 26
Dr. Román de la Campa, Edwin B. and Lenore R. Williams Professor of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania, will present the free lecture, “Is Globalization a Promise or a Threat?” on Wednesday, September 26. Dr. de la Campa will attempt to periodize globalization and discuss it as an epochal concept that charts both … Continue reading Join us for a Lecture about Globalization on Sept. 26…

Register Now for Cooper Street Writing Workshops
This fall, the Writers House will sponsor multiple Cooper Street Writing Workshops, some in multi-session format and some that are one-day only: Multi-session Workshops “Write Like a Mother,” taught by Nancy Reddy Four Saturdays: October 27, November 3, 10, and 17 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $180 general/$30 for Camden residents “From Video Games to … Continue reading Register Now for Cooper Street Writing Workshops…