Congratulations to Student Recipients of Chancellor’s Grants!

Congratulations to the doctoral students who received the Chancellor’s Dissertation Completion Award: Vedangi Hambardikar (Computational Biology and Integrative Biology) Advised by Dr. Maria Solesio: Role of mitochondrial inorganic polyphosphate in maintaining mitochondrial physiology in Huntington’s Disease  Anna Perry (Childhood Studies) Advised by Dr. Lauren Silver: The problem with being accommodated: disabled students’ experience navigating accommodations … Continue reading Congratulations to Student Recipients of Chancellor’s Grants!

Congratulations to the Chancellor’s Grant Recipients!

The Office of the Chancellor sponsored a host of faculty awards this academic year as part of their “15 in 5” Strategic Initiatives. We are so proud of our faculty! Chancellor’s Grant for Assistant Professor Research Development Chancellor’s Grant for Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Vice Chancellor’s Fund for Research Chancellor’s Grant for Part-Time Lecturers  Chancellor’s Grants … Continue reading Congratulations to the Chancellor’s Grant Recipients!

Join us Feb. 23 for “Hidden Figures”

The Rutgers-Camden Driving Change Initiative, which strives “to drive genuine and lasting cultural change on our campus so that STEM undergraduate students from all backgrounds, particularly those who belong to historically excluded groups, will excel and graduate from college, will be well prepared to pursue advanced degrees, and will eventually assume leadership roles,” will host a … Continue reading Join us Feb. 23 for “Hidden Figures”

Join RUC Driving Change Initiative for a “Charting a Pathway to an Inclusive STEM Education at Rutgers-Camden” Workshop Series

Join the Rutgers–Camden Driving Change Initiative at any of our upcoming workshops listed below. All workshops take place during the free period in the Campus Center Multi-Purpose Room and will include a free lunch! Registration is required at   IVING CHANG PARKING AVAILABLE: If you require parking and do not have a Rutgers parking … Continue reading Join RUC Driving Change Initiative for a “Charting a Pathway to an Inclusive STEM Education at Rutgers-Camden” Workshop Series

Join the Driving Change Watch Party on Feb. 2

The Rutgers-Camden Driving Change Initiative, which strives “to drive genuine and lasting cultural change on our campus so that STEM undergraduate students from all backgrounds, particularly those who belong to historically excluded groups, will excel and graduate from college, will be well prepared to pursue advanced degrees, and will eventually assume leadership roles,” will host … Continue reading Join the Driving Change Watch Party on Feb. 2

Join us for Biology Day on Dec. 10

The Department of Biology will present its biannual Biology Day on Saturday, December 10. This virtual event will feature nineteen biology majors presenting a range of research topics, such as “Effects of Global Change Drivers on the Susceptibility of Wild Plants to Pathogenic Diseases” to “Searching for Adenovirus with Cuban Knight Anoles in Southern Florida.” … Continue reading Join us for Biology Day on Dec. 10

Join the Driving Change Community for Movie Night on Sept. 29

The Driving Change community invites faculty, staff, and students to a watch party with a pizza dinner and conversations to follow. The goal of this event is to generate conversation around thematic questions related to DEI and STEM and is hosted by the Rutgers–Camden Driving Change Community. The first movie The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks … Continue reading Join the Driving Change Community for Movie Night on Sept. 29

Join us Sept. 22 for the Summer Undergraduate Research Grant Edition of CURCA

Join us Thursday, September 22, for a special edition of the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Education (CURCA), featuring the twenty undergraduate students who received Summer Undergraduate Research Grants. You will learn about the research these students conducted over the summer, from projects ranging from a study of nostalgia to the mathematical modeling of cancer. … Continue reading Join us Sept. 22 for the Summer Undergraduate Research Grant Edition of CURCA

Join us Aug. 18 for a Presentation of “Random Forest Machine Learning” by Bio Undergrads

The Rutgers Office of Advanced Research Computing and the Rutgers–Camden Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) program presents “Random Machine Forest Learning,” a presentation by undergraduate biology students who attended a summer bioinformatics workshop, on Thursday, August 18. This presentation begins at 3 p.m. and is available either by streaming or Zoom.  To stream, visit … Continue reading Join us Aug. 18 for a Presentation of “Random Forest Machine Learning” by Bio Undergrads

STEM Faculty Invited to DEI-Centered Syllabi Workshop on Aug. 24

STEM faculty are invited on Wednesday, August 24th from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. to discuss the topic of DEI-centered syllabi. During this workshop, attendees will be invited to analyze their course syllabi ahead of the fall semester with a special focus on diversity, equity and inclusion.  We invite STEM faculty to join us at this collaborative … Continue reading STEM Faculty Invited to DEI-Centered Syllabi Workshop on Aug. 24