New Musical “Hand Me Down the Silver Trumpet” Premieres 10/16

The Rutgers University-Camden theater program, in conjunction with the Rutgers-Camden Center for the Arts, presents the new musical, “Hand Me Down the Silver Trumpet,” which celebrates the legacy of great African American recording artists of the 1920s and 30s and features performances of classic blues, jazz, and spirituals performed by students, alumni, and guest artists.  The … Continue reading New Musical “Hand Me Down the Silver Trumpet” Premieres 10/16

Jazz Ensemble Auditions Scheduled for 9/5

The Rutgers University–Camden Jazz Ensemble will be holding auditions for new members on Friday, September 5th, between 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.  The auditions will take place in the Mallery Room, located on the second floor of the Fine Arts Building. The ensemble is seeking student musicians (non-music majors are welcome) who play the following instruments: … Continue reading Jazz Ensemble Auditions Scheduled for 9/5

Auditions for Rutgers University Singers Scheduled for 9/2 and 9/4

The Rutgers University Singers will hold auditions on Tuesday, September 2nd, and Thursday, September 4th, from 12:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m., or by appointment, in Fine Arts Room 208.  All students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcome to audition. Rutgers University Singers hold rehearsal every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. … Continue reading Auditions for Rutgers University Singers Scheduled for 9/2 and 9/4

Rutgers University Singers To Perform Concert on 5/4

Join the Rutgers University Singers, Orchestra Ensemble, several chamber music groups, and multiple soloists, on Sunday, May 4th, for their spring concert, “Spring Serenade.” Under the direction of Dr. Julia Zavadsky, the Rutgers University Singers will perform a series of pieces ranging from the classical to modern. The Rutgers–Camden Orchestra Ensemble, under the direction of … Continue reading Rutgers University Singers To Perform Concert on 5/4