Dr. Jessica B. Harris, Professor of English at Queens College, CUNY, and the author of dozens of books, including High on the Hog: A Culinary Journey from Africa to America, will give a virtual lecture on Feb. 1 regarding that same topic. Netflix has also released a series of the same name. Dr. Harris will discuss … Continue reading Dr. Jessica B. Harris Presents “High on the Hog: Foodways Throughout the African Diaspora” on Feb. 1…
Tag: Liberal Studies
National Book Award Winner Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti to Speak on Campus on Oct. 4
Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti, an acclaimed poet, essayist, educator, and publisher, as well as a National Book Award recipient and founder of the Third World Press and the Institute for Positive Education, will be at Rutgers–Camden on Thursday, Oct. 4, for a public conservation with Ms. Sandra Turner Barnes, a South Jersey historian, author, and … Continue reading National Book Award Winner Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti to Speak on Campus on Oct. 4…

Chemistry Professor Works with Philadelphia Museum of Art on Conservation Project
Sabbatical leave for faculty often yields impressive research. For Dr. Georgia Arbuckle-Keil, Professor of Chemistry, her 2017-2018 sabbatical proved no different. The year was dedicated to an art conservation project with Beth Price, Senior Scientist, and Peggy Olley, Conservator, of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA). Dr. Arbuckle-Keil served as an advisor on Ms. Price’s … Continue reading Chemistry Professor Works with Philadelphia Museum of Art on Conservation Project…
Join the EGSA for their Annual Conference on Apr. 14
The English Graduate Student Association (EGSA) will present their annual conference on Saturday, April 14th, 2018. The topic is “Haunted Heritage: Confronting a Culture of Specters,” and the event will feature a keynote address by author Samuel R. Delany at 2 p.m. in Penn 401. The free event begins at 10:30 a.m. at the Writers … Continue reading Join the EGSA for their Annual Conference on Apr. 14…
Register Now for the Diverse Unfreedoms and their Ghosts Conference on 3/31
Registration is now open for the one-day conference, “Diverse Unfreedoms and their Ghosts”, scheduled for Friday, March 31st. The conference will examine relationships between diverse unfreedoms (such as slavery, imprisonment, captivity, serfdom, domestic service, caste, etc.) as people understand and negotiate them, in autobiographic narratives, fiction, course cases, disputes, etc.; transitions between social institutions and … Continue reading Register Now for the Diverse Unfreedoms and their Ghosts Conference on 3/31…
Spring 2016 Registration begins 11/2
Registration for the Spring 2016 semester begins Monday, November 3rd. Students, if you have not contacted your advisor, please do so as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to discuss your spring schedule. Registration dates are as follows:November 2, 2015, Monday: Undergraduate Students with 90+ credits earned (seniors) & All Graduate Students, registration begins at 7:00 … Continue reading Spring 2016 Registration begins 11/2…
We R Arts and Sciences: Roxanne Huertas
“Rutgers-Camden is best described as ‘small but mighty’.”
Dr. Richard Epstein Studies How Language is Tied to Politics
Dr. Richard Epstein, Associate Professor of Linguistics, is studying how so-called “bad English” is tied politically to discrimination of minorities. Learn more about his research at NewsNow.