This website offers an overview meant to provide general information about the process and timing for non-tenure track reappointments to the same rank who have a contract end date of June 30, 2026. This site does not supersede the Rutgers University Office of Labor Relations policies and procedures (linked below). General Instructions can be accessed in the NTT Appointment and Promotion Policy and the Short Form [DOCX].
If you have additional questions, or need clarification, please feel free to contact the Dean’s Office by phone at (856) 225-6097 or by email at
December 2024
- Dean’s office sends reminder email to chairs and candidates
March 2025
- Reappointment packets are submitted to the Dean’s Office no later than Friday, March 21, 2025.
April/June 2025
- Dean’s narrative is completed.
June 2025
- Dean notifies candidate within 10 days of final decision on reappointment, where both the department and decanal levels are negative, excluding cases being considered under rank review provision.
- Dean’s Office notifies candidates of reappointment decision and sends out new reappointment contracts.
Month |
Chair |
Candidate |
Dean’s Office |
December 2024 |
Sends reminder email to chairs and candidates |
March 2025 |
Completed Short Form [DOCX] departmental criteria, Supplemental Form NTT-1, and signed and dated teaching evaluations are submitted to the Dean’s Office no later than Friday, March 21, 2025. |
Current appointment letter, CV, personal statement, other documents the candidate wishes to be considered, and any other documentation that may be required by the departments are submitted to the Dean’s Office no later than Friday, March 21, 2025. |
Notifies candidates of reappointment outcome. |
April/June 2025 |
Dean’s Narrative is completed. |
June 2025 |
Dean notifies candidate within 10 days of final decision where both the department and decanal levels are negative. Sends out new reappointment contracts. |
- Short Form [DOCX]
- Copy of the applicable departmental criteria as posted on the website
- Supplemental Form NTT-1
- Signed and dated teaching evaluations received by the NTT faculty member during the current term of appointment
- Current appointment letter
- Personal Statement
- CV
- Optional Teaching Portfolio (contents listed below)
- Other documents he/she wishes to be considered
- Any other documentation that may be required by the department/unit
The list below is an example of documents that the candidate may choose to include in a teaching portfolio (if they decide to offer one). Candidates may also include other documentation that they deem appropriate. For recommendations regarding teaching portfolios, please visit the CTAAR Teaching and Assessment website.
- A teaching statement (including the candidate’s teaching philosophy and some discussion of how this philosophy is evident in his/her teaching)
- Course information and materials
- Statement of teaching responsibilities (which courses have been taught, in what format and at what levels)
- Sample syllabi (may also include other course materials, such as instructions for key assignments and/or assessments, but those are not required
- Peer observation(s) of teaching: at least 2, in separate semesters, prior to tenure; at least 1 per period of evaluation after that (e.g., tenure, promotion to full professor)
- Evidence of teaching success: SIRS scores; in addition, one or more of the following is recommended (may include other indications of success other than those listed below)
- Selected student comments from the SIRS
- Other student feedback that has been obtained by the candidate or department chair
- Documentation of receipt of a teaching award
- Conference presentation or publication related to teaching
- Evidence of excellence in mentoring (e.g., conference presentation co-authored with a student, student mentee accomplishments)
- Diversity statement
- Statement of goals for teaching: for example, plans for achieving continuous improvement, plans to develop or revise course(s), plans to learn about and implement new teaching techniques
Department/program specific reappointment criteria are found on departmental websites.
Excellence as a teacher is demonstrated by:
- Effectiveness of teaching strategies
- Observation of classroom instruction
- A teaching portfolio, including a personal statement, syllabi and/or other instructional materials
- Teaching evaluation surveys (for no less than most recent 6 semesters)
- Scholarship/research productivity on effective pedagogy and teaching
- Demonstration of service in accordance with the mission of the department and the University, appropriate to level of appointment.
TEACHING: Teaching includes classroom, online or hybrid, and non-credit instruction; supervision of research, student internships, professional practice, theses, and doctoral dissertations; academic advising and acting as a mentor; the improvement and enrichment of course offerings and other instructional activities within the faculty member’s discipline or profession; participation in interdisciplinary courses, honors courses and other special courses offered through any part of the University; development of curricula and, the writing of textbooks and the development of other instructional materials to enhance education in the faculty member’s discipline or profession. Effective teachers must demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in their discipline, must communicate this knowledge to others, and must give evidence of a continuing development of their knowledge so as to insure their continued effective teaching over the duration of their appointment. Effective teachers stay informed of advances and current thinking in their subject area and relate this information to teaching in a meaningful and balanced way. This might be evinced through revision of syllabi and development of new courses or instructional modules. Effective teachers communicate enthusiasm for their subject and have a responsibility to create a positive environment for learning that stimulates imaginative thinking. They maintain a critical attitude toward their teaching and strive continuously to improve it.
Teaching may also involve direct student academic advising or mentoring in specific programs.
SERVICE: Service includes the contributions a faculty member makes to the University, to society at large and to the academic profession. Typically for faculty members in the Teaching Title series in FASC, the types of service expected will be to the department, college, University, and to society at large. Contributions to the effective operation of the University at all levels are most typically demonstrated by significant academic and professional service to the department, the discipline, the faculty, the undergraduate colleges, the graduate programs, the campus, or the University as a whole, through such activities as recruitment of scholars to the University, evaluation of peers, contributions as a fellow, contributions to important committees and other activities in support of the academic development of the University and the enhancement of student academic development and student life programs. Contributions to society at large are most typically demonstrated through the application of the faculty member’s academic expertise and particular professional skills to the solution of international, national, state, county and local problems and by service for the public good on governmental and other special committees, boards, agencies, civic groups and commissions. It may include related speech to media, publication in popular venues, talks to alumni, or other organizations based on the faculty member’s academic expertise. Contributions to the advancement of the academic profession are most typically demonstrated by active participation in professional and scholarly associations; by service on editorial boards and as a reviewer of scholarly works and proposals; by participation on expert committees, or practice committees of professional associations or institutions.
Note: See Rutgers Policy 60.5.14, Criteria for Academic Appointments, Reappointments and Promotions.
Criteria for Reappointment
Criteria used to evaluate NTT faculty for reappointment and/or promotion, and the application of such criteria, shall be consistent with University Policy Sections 60.5.14 and 60.5.15 and shall be consistent with the faculty member’s responsibilities set forth in the appointment/reappointment letter. Units/departments may require candidates to complete the Recommendation Information Form (Form NTT-1) contained in the Academic Promotion Instructions for Non-Tenure Track Faculty or Academic Promotion Instructions for Non-Tenure Track University Library Faculty in lieu of the Short Form; if the unit/department requires completion of a Form NTT-1, it shall be attached to the Short Form, and such requirement shall apply to all individuals at the same rank within the same title series in that unit/department in that same year.
Department Review Committee
NTT faculty members shall be evaluated by the department and principal investigator (if applicable); department chair/director; dean; and/or the designee of the University; A small standing departmental or unit personnel committee, or an ad hoc advisory committee, may act in the place of the entire department or unit. The department review committee should consist of no fewer than four full-time faculty members.
Q. When does CTAAR generate my faculty teaching grid?
- For promotion cases, August
- For reappointment cases, November
- For NTT, December
Office of University Labor Relations:
Committee Assignments:
FASC Faculty Affairs website:
AAUP-AFT Union Website:
2022-2026 Faculty Union Contract:
Suneeta Ramaswami
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Phone: (856) 225-6439
Maria Matteo-Hohing
Assistant Dean III
Phone: (856) 225-2951
Tin Lam
Faculty Survey Administrator
Phone: 848-932-7350