The following are Standing Committees of the FASC:
- Academic Policy and Courses of Study
- Admissions and Retention
- Appointments and Promotions
- Rules and Procedures
- General Education
- Planning and Budget
- Review
- Scholastic Standing
- Campus Life
- Shared Governance
To further the work of the FASC, the faculty or the Dean may establish committees ad hoc. After an ad hoc committee has been maintained for two consecutive years, it shall either be disbanded or be established as a standing committee by amendment of these bylaws.
All committees, unless otherwise specified, will inform the FASC and the Faculty Senate of its activities at least once during the semester, or as needed, and will submit a written report at the end of each academic year for review. Each committee will elect a chairperson from among its faculty members. All committee members who serve by virtue of their administrative offices are ex officio, non-voting members.
A. Academic Policy and Courses of Study
Membership: Six elected faculty members (two from each division of the faculty), serving three-year overlapping terms.
- To oversee college-wide curricular requirements and academic standards and to recommend revisions to the Faculty Senate for their review.
- To review and recommend to the Faculty Senate for their review and recommendations, the committee’s approval of new curricula (i.e., major programs).
- To study recommendations for course changes received from any Department.
- To consult with the appropriate administrative officers concerning the effect of course changes on administrative procedure.
- To report to the FASC all course changes recommended and approved by the committee.
- To review and approve student-proposed interdisciplinary majors.
B. Admissions and Retention
Membership: Three elected faculty members serving three-year overlapping terms; also, two students, one representative from Enrollment Management, one from Student Affairs, one from Advising, and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (all ex officio).
- To meet with admissions at least once per year to discuss admissions trends.
- To establish and regularly review admissions criteria and consult on policies for admission.
- To recommend admissions policies and the methods used to interpret and execute the existing rules for the admission of students.
- To supply the faculty each semester with pertinent data on incoming students and retention rates as needed.
- To determine what sanctions are to be applied, and under what circumstances, to already admitted students whose grades in the senior year of high school show a marked decline, or who drop senior year courses.
C. Appointments and Promotions
Membership: The faculty will, each year, elect nine tenured members (three from each division of the faculty) to form three advisory Committees on Appointments and Promotions. These faculty members will serve as pools for the Dean to consider for appointment of the three advisory committees. For each division of the faculty there shall be a committee of six tenured faculty members appointed by the Dean. Two alternates shall be assigned to each committee to serve when an appointed member is unable to serve.
- To advise the Dean as to appointments, reappointments, or promotions to ranks below that of Distinguished Professor (for which ad hoc committees are formed by the Dean).
D. Rules and Procedures
Membership: Four elected faculty members, serving three-year overlapping terms.
- To solicit nominations and if necessary—in consultation with the Dean’s Office—to recruit nominees for elected positions in the Facutly Senate.
- To conduct elections and notify nominees when they have been elected to a committee
- To formally update the Faculty Senate on vacancies at the first meeting of the semester and thereafter until such vacancies are filled.
- To ensure that year-end reports from all Standing Committees of the FASC are communicated to the FASC and Faculty Senate for review before the final spring semester Faculty Senate meeting and posted to the committee archive on the Faculty Senate website.
- To resolve any questions of procedure under the FASC Bylaws.
- To formulate rules, subject to the approval of the faculty, under which the business of the faculty may be transacted.
- To revise and amend existing rules, subject to approval by the faculty.
- To propose to the faculty changes in the University Statutes.
- Appoint one of the University Senators to provide updates and report on University Senate activities.
E. General Education
Membership: Six elected FASC members (two from each division of the Faculty) serving three-year overlapping terms, a representative from the Business School, a representative from the Nursing School, as well as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (ex officio).
- To conduct ongoing review of the general education requirements with regard to curricular learning goals.
- To respond to petitions requesting modification of general education requirements, exemptions from general education requirements, or other issues raised by students.
- To develop assessment strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of the general education. requirements with respect to their learning goals,
- To review and approve proposals from departments regarding the designation of courses for specific general education requirements.
- To consult as necessary with the Experiential Learning Office, Engaged Civic Learning Office, and the Writing and Design Lab.
- To seek the advice of the Faculty Senate in all General Education matters of concern to FASC as a whole.
F. Planning and Budget (Changes Approved in Spring, 2021)
Membership: Three elected faculty members and three appointed by the Dean, serving three-year overlapping terms; up to two staff members, appointed by the Dean; up to two students, elected by the Student Government Association.
- To advise the Dean on matters of broad educational and research planning, which matters include but are not limited to: budget priorities and allocations, the establishment or dissolution of programs, the relationship of Arts and Sciences to other units, colleges, and the community, and general planning. The Dean of the College shall act on such matters only after having received the advice of the Committee or after giving the Committee a reasonable time in which to present its views.
- To meet with the Dean on a regular basis regarding planning and budget matters
- To inform the faculty senate on a regular basis regarding its meetings with the Dean and its deliberations.
G. Committee on Review
Membership: This committee shall be comprised of two tenured faculty members, one of whom is a member of the Faculty Senate Executive and the other appointed by the Dean, each serving a one-year term. This committee shall have advisory power only. The committee may report to the Dean of the College or School, or the Provost, or the President, or the Board of Governors.
- The committee may at its discretion make reports also for the information of the legislative body.
- The committee may counsel and advise any member of the legislative body who seeks such advice with respect to any problem affecting his or her status as a member of the university.
- The committee may also on its own initiative make suggestions as to personnel matters to the administrative officers.
H. Scholastic Standing
Membership: Six elected faculty members, serving three-year overlapping terms; one representative from Student Affairs, one from the Registrar’s Office, one from EOF, one from TRIO, one from the Learning Center, one from Financial Aid, one from Advising, one from University College, and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education (all ex officio).
- To interpret and execute the rules and regulations of the CCAS in individual student cases involving scholastic standing.
- To allow withdrawal from a course or courses after the usual deadlines have passed. For such withdrawal proper documentation must be provided by the student, the advisor and the instructor. If the instructor is not available, documentation must be provided by the department chair.
- To approve readmission of students who have been separated from CCAS or University College for academic or disciplinary reasons.
- To approve academic forgiveness of students who have not been enrolled at any Rutgers University campus for ten consecutive semesters and meet additional specified conditions.
- To impose such restrictions on the educational programs of probationary and readmitted students as may seem desirable for their satisfactory academic progress
- To inform the Faculty Senate on the current principles and methods used by the committee in interpreting and executing existing rules.
- To propose new scholastic regulations to the Faculty Senate.
I. Campus Life
Membership: Four elected faculty members, serving three-year overlapping terms; two students; and the Dean of Students (ex officio).
- To recommend procedures for improving relations between students and faculty.
- To work as needed with the Student Governing Association on elections for student representatives to the Faculty Senate as well as to CCAS committees.
- To attempt alleviation of conditions causing student frustration or discontent, through informal contacts or through recommendations for faculty or administrative action.
- To review regulations governing the general conduct of students on the campus including the Academic Integrity and Code of Student Conduct Policies and respond to any policy issues that arise.
- To work as needed with the Teaching Matters and Assessment Center on all matters relating to teacher evaluation.
- To work as needed with the offices of Advising, Registration, and Student Affairs on matters relating to new student orientation.
- To address issues of faculty morale and any other concerns which affect faculty life on campus.
- To consult with the Dean, Provost and other administrators on a regular basis on all matters concerning campus security, problems with parking and other campus physical facilities.
- To represent faculty interests and concerns in all matters involving library collections and service; multimedia equipment and services; computer equipment, computing services, and mobile technology; and consult as needed with the Director of the Paul Robeson Librarian, the Director of Rutgers-Camden Information Technology, and the Director of Instructional Design and Technology. [formerly duties from Information Services]
J. Shared Governance
Membership: Six elected Faculty members (two from each division) serving three-year overlapping terms, the Dean of Arts and Sciences (ex officio).
- To advise the Dean, through the Faculty Senate, on the establishment, dissolution or merger of educational units, including the creation, termination, or suspension of academic programs.
- To review all matters relating to the composition and structure of the Faculty Senate.
- To evaluate reported CCAS members’ concerns regarding the college and university administration and report findings to the Faculty Senate.
- To assess the performance of college and university administrators, on an ad hoc basis when issues arise, and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate.
- To study and make recommendations to the Senate on matters relating to the role and function of the Senate as a body within the Rutgers-Camden governance scheme.
- To consider and advise the Dean on special affiliations and programs, including formal relationships with other institutitons.
- To coordinate relationships among the faculty and student governing bodies and the Senate, so that issues raised in one forum can be considered in other appropriate bodies.
- To study and make recommendations on relationships between Rutgers-Camden and the public.
- To consult with the Committee on Review as needed.