Women’s History Month Continues with a Lecture on Women in Sports on 3/24

Women’s History Month continues on Monday, March 24th, with a lecture by Dr. Cathy D’Ignazio, a part-time lecturer of history, called “Competition: American Women and Their Sports.”  The event will take place during the free period (12:10 p.m.) and will take place in Armitage Hall 121.

Women’s History Month Continues with a Lecture by Dr. Keith Green on 3/12

As part of Women’s History Month, Dr. Keith Green, Assistant Professor of English, will present “Indentured Servants, Sickly Children, and Invalid Women: Disability in Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig (1859). This event, which is co-sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program and the Department of English, will take place on Wednesday, March 12th, during the … Continue reading Women’s History Month Continues with a Lecture by Dr. Keith Green on 3/12

The MFA Program Will Host a Publishing Panel with Agents and Editors on 3/12

The MFA program in creative writing will welcome Dan Conaway and Rebecca Saletan on March 12th as part of its annual Publishing Panel with Agents and Editors.  The session will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Center’s Multi-Purpose Room. Before joining Writers House as a literary agent four years ago, Dan Conaway worked as Executive … Continue reading The MFA Program Will Host a Publishing Panel with Agents and Editors on 3/12

Dr. Wendy Woloson Will Lecture on Joking and Gender in the Early 20th Century

As part of Women’s History Month, Dr. Wendy Woloson, Assistant Professor of History, will present “Stags, Nags, and Gags: Joking and Gender in the Early 20th Century.”  The Department of History will induct the newest members of Phi Alpha Theta, the National History Honor Society, during this event. The event will take place on Monday, … Continue reading Dr. Wendy Woloson Will Lecture on Joking and Gender in the Early 20th Century

The Grad Program in English Will Host a Lecture by Jean Howard on 3/6

Jean Howard will present “Staging Rape in the Renaissance Theater” on Thursday, March 6th.  The reception begins at 5 p.m., and the lecture will start at 6 p.m. in the Armitage Hall Faculty Lounge. This event is sponsored by the Graduate Program in English.

CURE to Host Special Seminar and Book Signing on 2/28

The Center for Urban Research and Education‘s next seminar will take place on Friday, February 28th, and will feature Dr. George Galster, Hilberry Professor of Urban Affairs at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, who will discuss his book Driving Detroit: The Quest for Respect in the Motor City.    The event will take place … Continue reading CURE to Host Special Seminar and Book Signing on 2/28

Women’s History Month to Kick Off with a Keynote Address on 3/5

March is Women’s History Month, and in cooperation with many campus departments and offices, the Women’s and Gender Studies Program has organized seven events that all connect with the month’s theme: Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment. The keynote address, “Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Women,” will feature three panelists, Mary DeFusco, Esq., Anne … Continue reading Women’s History Month to Kick Off with a Keynote Address on 3/5

Dr. Marta Antón Presents “Shifting Trends in the Assessment of Classroom Interaction” on 3/4

Dr. Marta Antón, Professor of Spanish and Chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), will be the guest speaker at the MAT in Spanish’s upcoming Fourth Getting to Work Series: Shifting Trends in the Assessment of Classroom Interaction. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 4th, … Continue reading Dr. Marta Antón Presents “Shifting Trends in the Assessment of Classroom Interaction” on 3/4

Chancellor’s Faculty Research Day To Be Held on 2/27

Join us on Thursday, February 27th, at 3 p.m. for the Chancellor’s Faculty Research Day!  Among the Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden faculty who will be participating in this event are: Dr. Grace Brannigan, Assistant Professor of Physics; Dr. Aaron Hostetter, Assistant Professor of English; and Dr. Joan Mazelis, Assistant Professor of Sociology. This event … Continue reading Chancellor’s Faculty Research Day To Be Held on 2/27