Alumni Johnathan Grzybowski and Khai Tran “conceived [their graphic design company, Penji] as a ‘community conscious organization that would set the example for other startups to come to Camden and open their door to our students.'”
Category: Alumni News
Math Lecture Series Continues Feb. 16
Dr. James Davis, a 2010 graduate of the Camden College of Arts and Sciences and a Senior Data Scientist at Uber, will present the next Math Lecture, on Friday, February 12th. He will discuss “Pricing Uber’s Marketplace.” This free lecture is open to all. The event begins at 11:20 a.m. in Penn 401, on the side … Continue reading Math Lecture Series Continues Feb. 16…
Register Today for a Viewing and Discussion of a Healthcare Documentary on Feb. 28
International healthcare executive Suzanne Garber, CCAS ’92, produced, wrote, and directed the short documentary “Gauze: Unraveling Global Healthcare” which focuses on the quality of care and patient outcomes in countries around the world as compared to the United States. Join us for a light dinner, viewing of the film, and a panel discussion comprised of … Continue reading Register Today for a Viewing and Discussion of a Healthcare Documentary on Feb. 28…
Tonight’s Discussion with Filmmaker Steve Janas has been Canceled!
Update: The lecture featuring Steve Janas originally scheduled for October 17th has been canceled. Stay tuned for information about a new date in the spring! Steve Janas, who graduated from Rutgers University–Camden in 1991 with a degree in English, is a filmmaker and screenwriter whose projects include Better Living Through Circuitry, a feature-length music documentary, and … Continue reading Tonight’s Discussion with Filmmaker Steve Janas has been Canceled!…
Join us for a Lunch with Leaders Event with Alumnus Jim Rhodes
The Leadership Institute will host a Lunch with Leaders event, featuring Jim Rhodes, who graduated from the Camden College of Arts and Sciences in 1994. Mr. Rhodes, who is a deputy county administrator for Camden County, will discuss what helped him most during college. Mr. Rhodes also serves on the Leadership Institute’s Advisory Council. This … Continue reading Join us for a Lunch with Leaders Event with Alumnus Jim Rhodes…
Writers in Camden Series Begins Fall Season on 9/14
The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program will kick off its 2016-2017 Writers in Camden series on Wednesday, September 14th, with readings by Rutgers–Camden alumni Susan Muaddi Darraj and Gregory Pardlo, who is also a new assistant professor in creative writing. Susan Muaddi Darraj is the author of A Curious Land: Stories from Home, … Continue reading Writers in Camden Series Begins Fall Season on 9/14…
We R Arts and Sciences: Michelle Spotts
“I chose Rutgers–Camden because of “the location, the diversity of the student population, and the wonderful small campus atmosphere,” says alumna Michelle Spotts.
An Interview with Oscar-Nominated Alum Robert Pulcini ’89
Screenwriter Robert Pulcini, CCAS ’89, recently returned to campus to discuss and screen his new film, 10,000 Saints, and to share insights into his career, which includes an Oscar nomination for best screenplay for the film American Splendor.
We R Arts and Sciences: Paul Moré, Jr.
In 2007, Paul Moré, Jr. established the Moré Family Scholarship. “It is my way of continuing to honor my parents,” he says.
Join us for Alumni Weekend on 5/9
On Saturday, May 9th, join us for Alumni Weekend! Alumni, friends, and current and retired faculty and staff are invited to come back to campus and reconnect with the people who made your Rutgers experience so special.The beautiful grounds of Eldridge Johnson Park offer a magical setting for Alumni Weekend. The festivities will begin with … Continue reading Join us for Alumni Weekend on 5/9…