The Dean’s Office is located on the 3rd floor of Armitage Hall.  General questions about the academic programs of the College of Arts and Sciences, University College, and the Graduate School can be directed to (856) 225-6097 or





John Griffin

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences–Camden
Phone: (856) 225-6097

As dean, John Griffin, Ph.D. is the chief executive officer of FASC. He works to develop and implement policies and goals while leading the units in devising strategies for effective teaching, high-quality research, and meaningful service to the state, region, and nation. 

Dr. Griffin earned his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.



Associate Deans


Michelle Meloy

Associate Dean for the FASC Graduate School
(856) 225-2724

Michelle Meloy, Ph.D., associate dean for the Graduate School, manages all matters pertaining to the Graduate School. She arranges matters pertaining to external review and reaccreditation of FASC graduate programs, develops special programs connected to The Graduate School, as well as oversees relevant aspects of research centers and institutes.
Dr. Meloy earned her Ph.D. from the University of Delaware’s Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice. 


Joseph C. Schiavo

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education

Joseph Schiavo, Ph.D., associate dean for undergraduate education, administers the part-time lecturer budget; monitors course enrollment and makes sure that resources are used efficiently; maintains communication with department chairs on various issues; handles student complaints beyond the departmental level; as well as overseeing relevant aspects of research centers and institutes. Dr. Schiavo also oversees undergraduate research, experiential learning, and new program development.

Dr. Schiavo earned his Ph.D. Rutgers Graduate School, New Brunswick.


Suneeta Ramaswami

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Phone: (856) 225-5803

Suneeta Ramaswami, Ph.D., associate dean for faculty affairs, is responsible for a wide range of matters pertaining to faculty including reappointment, promotion, and tenure, as well as faculty development. She also serves as a resource for the enhancement of faculty research and teaching.

Dr. Ramaswami earned her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.




Chrissy Beswick

Director of Administrative Operations
Phone: (856) 225-2956

Chrissy Beswick, MA is the Director of Administrative Operations for Rutgers University–Camden Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Her professional scope includes working with the Dean as a core member of the leadership team to provide planning, assessment, and oversight of the day-to-day operations of the school. Working with cross-functional teams, she will aid in the development and execution of a strategic plan to align operational efficiencies and resources within FASC.  


Administrative Services


Andrea Ohrenich

Senior Administrative Assistant to the Dean for FASC
Phone: (856) 225-2969

Andrea Ohrenich is the senior administrative assistant to the FASC dean. She maintains and coordinates the dean’s calendar; coordinates faculty and staff employment issues for FASC; provides support services for the dean and dean’s office. Andrea also serves as the primary support for appointment and tenure and promotion processes for FASC.

Melinda Aviles

Administrative Coordinator
(856) 225-6521

Melinda Aviles is the administrative coordinator for the undergraduate associate dean of FASC. She prepares contracts for and maintains files regarding PTLs; provides support services for the associate deans and dean’s office; and serves as the contact person between students and the associate deans’ offices

Kayla Allende

Administrative Assistant, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 856-225-6671

Kayla Allenda is the administrative assistant for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.


Assistant Deans

Danielle Askew, MPA

Assistant Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 856-225-6971

Danielle Askew manages Graduate School GA/TAs, fellowships, and scholarships

Maria Buckley

Maria Buckley

Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
Phone: (856) 225-6515



Julie Roncinske

Julie Roncinske

Assistant Dean III
Phone: (856) 225-2953

Julie Roncinske, MFA, leads the FASC Office of Web, New Media, and Design, which provides leadership, coordination, and support to the FASC in online communication via websites and social media, graphic design in print and web, photography, videography, on-campus event advertising, and other online resources. Her main focus is on social media. In addition, Julie serves as special programs and initiatives coordinator and organizes special events such as the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (CURCA), FASC Honors Convocation, and Graduation Commencement. She also coordinates undergraduate research grants; provides administrative support for the FASC Academic Integrity Policy.


Danyelle Thurman

Assistant Dean/Director for FASC Advising Office
Phone: (856) 225-6043 

Danyelle Thurman, the assistant dean/director of advising, serves as part of the FASC dean’s cabinet in identifying programs, activities, and initiatives that meet the school’s mission and broader university goals and objectives; creates strategic plans for policies, practices, and initiatives that demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the student services field. Danyelle is responsible for overseeing the FASC advising staff to ensure effective and consistent performance of advisement and student services functions.  She is also responsible for planning and providing various services to all undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. This includes developing, implementing, and evaluating academic advising policies, programs, and services, and coordinating support services that meet the school’s mission and diverse student needs and interests.


Erick Watt-Udogu

Assistant Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 856-225-6517

Erick Watt-Udogu manages Graduate School student recruitment and retention.


FASC Budget and Finance

Casey DeJoseph

Business Manager

Website: FASC Budget and Finance

Casey DeJoseph oversees the budget for the entire unit and the smaller centers and units for which it is responsible. She also oversees processes for personnel, purchasing, and payroll, including management of hiring, terminations, reappointments, promotions, and merit increases related to multiple bargaining units.  Casey works closely with grants and contract accounting and faculty for adherence to budget and timely submission of reports to the funding agency. 


Business Specialists

The business specialists for FASC are responsible for a broad range of business and administrative activities including fiscal management, budget development, accounting, financial reporting, and analyses. They also support financial planning and administration for multiple departments, programs, and initiatives and are responsible for developing financial models, preparing analyses and annual budgets, and monitoring operating funds to support financial operations and strategic planning efforts. Among other duties, the business specialists assist the business manager in achieving financial objectives and reporting goals. 


Zelda Walker

Business Specialist
Website: FASC Budget and Finance



Maged Youssef

Business Specialist
Website: FASC Budget and Finance



Web & Graphic Design Services


Kate Blair

Kate Blair

Web Designer
Phone: (856) 225-6951

Kate Blair, the web designer, is part of the FASC Office of Web, New Media, and Design, which provides leadership, coordination, and support to the FASC in online communication via websites and social media, graphic design in print and web, photography, videography, on-campus event advertising, and other online resources.  Kate designs and updates the FASC website, including department and individual sites; trains faculty and staff to use tools such as WordPress; and assists with the coordination and development of FASC media and promotional efforts.