One of Dean Griffin’s highest priorities as Dean is to implement an ongoing strategic planning process for FASC. This process is aimed to be inclusive, collaborative, and intentional. The Dean’s representative for this process is Chrissy Beswick, Director of Administrative Operations.
The focus of the process will be to ask ourselves fundamental questions about FASC that guide us to decisions and actions. Fall 2022 Strategic Planning will center on curriculum and will ask:
- What separates us from our peer institutions?
- How is our curriculum modeled, scheduled, and delivered?
- How do we incorporate experiential learning?
- What are our shared goals and outcomes for our student learners?
The goal of the Fall 2022 Strategic Planning process is to engage with the FASC community to ask these questions, listen to the answers, and determine next steps towards rebuilding FASC as the center of Rutgers University–Camden.
Nominations are now open for faculty, staff, and student representatives to join an advisory Strategic Planning Committee (SPC). The Committee will be appointed by the Dean, upon recommendations gathered from the FASC community. Following best practices, the committee shall comprise no more than 15 individuals. The SPC shall be charged by the Dean to aid in the completion of the objectives and process below and will be provided with forms, resources, and tools to aid in the gathering of feedback and data.
Stage 1 – Process and Objectives
This stage of strategic planning shall be held from October 2022-January 2023. This process, along with final determination of action steps and metrics, will be guided by the Chancellor’s upcoming strategic planning process. In summary, the process will contain:
- Determination, formulation and charge to the Dean’s Strategic Planning Committee.
- Listening sessions, surveys and town halls with the FASC community.
- Discovery about the present curriculum of FASC (SWOT – strength, weakness, opportunity, threat – analysis).
- Development of shared goals and action plans.

The Dean’s Office will develop a dedicated strategic planning website which will help us to communicate all activity, shared goals, objectives, and timelines to FASC. Listening sessions/town halls will be held in-person and zoom, recorded, and distributed to the FASC community. Surveys will be sent to FASC groups which will aid the committee in determining fundamental questions and gather baseline data.
Phase 2 – Next Steps
In February of 2023, begin stage II of strategic planning to develop a flexible, nimble approach to planning for the next 12-18 months. Stage II will consist of further SWOT analysis and development of goals and objectives for FASC using input from stage I and will include additional conversations about research and scholarship including master planning and facilities and alignment with strengths and potential opportunities. It is imperative that this initiative focus on strategy, not process. Goals and objectives will be developed to align with budgetary needs. Key metrics will be developed to track progress on objectives and initiatives, and to guide FASC moving forward.