School 50 (Camden College of Arts and Sciences) and School 64 (University College) students may petition the CCAS Scholastic Standing Committee for the following:

  • Retroactive Semester Withdrawals
  • Readmission after Dismissal
  • Academic Forgiveness

Students should be currently enrolled to submit petitions for review (except for Academic Forgiveness). All students should follow the procedures outlined in the Scholastic Standing Student Checklist If students have questions about this process, they should contact their academic advisor or the Dean of Students.


All forms are to be submitted online via Maxient. See below for dates the SSC committee meets as well as specifics about each petition. Students will be notified in writing by the Chair of the Scholastic Standing Committee as to the outcome of their petition. Most of the correspondence about your Scholastic Standing case will be sent through the Maxient system, so please make sure you regularly check your email and are on the lookout for these emails.

Upcoming SSC meeting dates for AY 2024-2025 

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • December 16
  • No January meeting
  • February 17
  • March 17
  • April 21
  • May 19

Retroactive Semester Withdrawals:

Students can appeal for a retroactive semester withdrawal for coursework that has been completed and assigned a grade. The committee considers petitions for retroactive semester withdrawal no later than 1 year after the conclusion of the term in which the course(s) was(were) taken. Exceptions to this time period will only be considered in extraordinary circumstances that require documentation for the delay.

Students can obtain the Retroactive Semester Withdrawal form to petition online at:

You should fill out this form as completely as possible. You will be able to upload documents to support your request. You need to include a personal statement with the petition. 

After you file the petition form, you MUST contact your advisor and instructors to complete their forms.  An instructor form should be completed for each course that you were enrolled in during the semester for which you have submitted the petition.  An instructor form can be found here: SSC CCAS Instructor’s Form.  An advisor form can be found here: SSC CCAS Advisor’s Form.

You advisor form and all instructor forms, your petition, supporting documentation and personal statement will be provided to the CCAS SSC Committee for review and approval (or disapproval). PLEASE NOTE: If you are missing any documentation, your application will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted.

The Scholastic Standing Committee petition for a retroactive semester withdrawal is an academic action only. If your request is approved it will help your cumulative GPA average only. All students need to communicate and keep in touch with Financial Aid concerning financial aid deadlines and federal financial aid guidelines. 

Generally, the following WILL constitute grounds for acceptance of a withdrawal petition:

  1. Medical reasons (Physical or Psychological problems must have an established background and documentation.)
  2. Change of family or economic status
  3. Administrative, faculty advisory, or instructor error

Generally, the following WILL NOT constitute grounds for withdrawing from a semester:

  1. Requesting only one course (not the entire semester) be withdrawn (note: if a student requests to withdraw from only select courses, documentation must be provided for the reason)
  2. Voluntary overload of course work (with or without advisor’s signature)
  3. Discontinuation of class attendance
  4. Obvious disregard of the catalog rules
  5. An attempt to remove a lower grade in order to maintain a good grade point average
  6. Sudden revelations (after drop/withdrawal period) that the work is too demanding, or that the student does not have background for the course
  7. Failure to consult with the professor (after drop/withdrawal period and/or after receiving a warning notice)
  8. Change of major

Academic Dismissal

Students may be dismissed from the college if their cumulative grade-point average drops below 2.0. For more details, go to the catalog.

  • If students receive a dismissal notification in the Fall semester: due to time constraints of mid-term dismissals and the effect it has on students to register at community colleges, students will be given an opportunity to improve their academic studies and to demonstrate their ability to do college-level work. If, after your next term of enrollment, no improvement is evident and the student fails to achieve a 2.5 term average or higher, dismissal is imminent. 
  • If students receive a dismissal notification in the Spring semester: If a student would like to appeal this decision because they believe it was in error, the student may do so by sending an appeal letter to the Chair of the Scholastic Standing Committee (Associate Dean Joseph Schiavo;  Further information will be provided in the letter sent to students, including the specific date the appeal letter is due, as well as the specific date and time the student will be invited to meet with the Scholastic Standing Committee to appeal their decision. If the appeal is approved, students will be placed on continued probation, with additional conditions specified by the Committee; if the appeal is denied, students will be dropped from the rolls of the college. To be considered for readmission, students will need to petition the Committee (see below). Please note: If students are dismissed a second time, it is permanent and they cannot enroll at the college in the future.

Readmission After Dismissal:
Students who have been dismissed from the college for academic reasons may appeal for readmission provided they have not previously been dismissed.

Students can obtain the Readmission after Dismissal form to petition online at:

Dismissed students are instructed to enroll at an accredited academic institution and earn at least 12 transferable credits with at least a 2.5 GPA in order to be considered for readmission (note: if students take more than the 12 credit minimum, they must still earn at least a 2.5 total GPA to be considered for readmission). For your application to be considered, you must upload a copy of your transcripts from another institution. Students seeking to be readmitted in the Fall term must submit readmission forms by August 1 and by January 1 to be considered for Spring term readmission. 

Academic Forgiveness:
Students who have under a 2.00 cumulative grade point average and who have not been enrolled at any Rutgers University campus for at least ten successive semesters may be eligible for academic forgiveness from one entire term of coursework or 12 total credits of coursework. Courses that are granted forgiveness will still have the original grade appear on the student’s transcript; however, the grades for these courses will not factor into the student’s cumulative grade point average. An e-credit prefix will be placed on the transcript, which notes that academic forgiveness has been granted for the course.

Students can obtain the Academic Forgiveness form to petition online at: