Category: Featured News

Drs. Catherine Grgicak and Desmond Lun Develop Innovative Software Technology

Congratulations to Student Recipients of Chancellor’s Grants!
Congratulations to the doctoral students who received the Chancellor’s Dissertation Completion Award: Vedangi Hambardikar (Computational Biology and Integrative Biology) Advised by Dr. Maria Solesio: Role of mitochondrial inorganic polyphosphate in maintaining mitochondrial physiology in Huntington’s Disease Anna Perry (Childhood Studies) Advised by Dr. Lauren Silver: The problem with being accommodated: disabled students’ experience navigating accommodations … Continue reading Congratulations to Student Recipients of Chancellor’s Grants!…

Announcement of Faculty Promotions and Tenure Appointments
The Board of Governors approved the following promotions and tenure appointments at their meeting on Tuesday, February 28: Dr. Howard Marchitello of the Department of English and Communication – Promoted to University Professor Dr. Benedetto Piccoli of the Department of Mathematical Sciences – Promoted to University Professor Dr. Nathaniel Wright of the Department of Public … Continue reading Announcement of Faculty Promotions and Tenure Appointments…

FASC Dean’s Office Welcomes Dr. Suneeta Ramaswami as Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Suneeta Ramaswami, Professor of Computer Science, as our new Associate dean for faculty affairs. In this role, Dr. Ramaswami is responsible for a wide range of matters pertaining to faculty including reappointment, promotion, and tenure, as well as faculty development. She also serves as a resource for the enhancement … Continue reading FASC Dean’s Office Welcomes Dr. Suneeta Ramaswami as Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs…

Congratulations to the Chancellor’s Grant Recipients!
The Office of the Chancellor sponsored a host of faculty awards this academic year as part of their “15 in 5” Strategic Initiatives. We are so proud of our faculty! Chancellor’s Grant for Assistant Professor Research Development Chancellor’s Grant for Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Vice Chancellor’s Fund for Research Chancellor’s Grant for Part-Time Lecturers Chancellor’s Grants … Continue reading Congratulations to the Chancellor’s Grant Recipients!…

Paul Robeson Library Undergraduate Research Award Applications Open Until March 12

Introducing the Inaugural Cohort of Racial Justice (RAJU) Fellows
See original post at https://globalracialjustice.rutgers.edu/Racial_Justice_Learning_Community.

Artwork by Lavett Ballard CCAS ’14 Featured on the Cover of Time Magazine

Registration for Summer Session is Open
Summer 2023 registration for all students will open Monday, February 13. The first session begins Tuesday, May 30. The Summer 2023 semester ends on Wednesday, August 16. To learn how to register, view the tuition and payment schedule, and to see course listings, visit the Summer Session 2023 website. Questions may be directed to the Office … Continue reading Registration for Summer Session is Open…