Dr. Kelly Dittmar Publishes “Navigating Gendered Terrain”

Dr. Kelly Dittmar, Assistant Professor of Political Science and a Scholar for the Center for American Women and Politics, has recently published Navigating Gendered Terrain: Stereotypes and Strategy in Political Campaigns, by Temple University Press.  This book explores how candidates and campaign professionals navigate the gendered terrain of political campaigns.  Navigating Gendered Terrain is available for purchase … Continue reading Dr. Kelly Dittmar Publishes “Navigating Gendered Terrain”

CURE Symposium on Housing, Segregation, and Poverty a Great Success

On November 17th, the Center for Urban Research and Education (CURE) hosted a daylong symposium on housing, segregation, and poverty. Scholars from all over the world came to Camden to take part in this event, which addressed topics such as the geography of inequality and its effects; exclusionary and inclusionary zoning; the fair housing movement; … Continue reading CURE Symposium on Housing, Segregation, and Poverty a Great Success

Spring 2016 Registration begins 11/2

Registration for the Spring 2016 semester begins Monday, November 3rd.  Students,  if you have not contacted your advisor, please do so as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to discuss your spring schedule. Registration dates are as follows:November 2, 2015, Monday: Undergraduate Students with 90+ credits earned (seniors) & All Graduate Students, registration begins at 7:00 … Continue reading Spring 2016 Registration begins 11/2