We are delighted to announce the following Faculty of Arts and Sciences–Camden faculty have received the following university-wide awards:

  • Dr. Próspero N. García, Associate Professor of Spanish Applied Linguistics, received the Warren I. Susman Award for Excellence in Teaching; this award is named to honor the memory of the noted historian and Rutgers University professor, Warren I. Susman, and is awarded annually to tenured faculty members in recognition of outstanding service in stimulating and guiding the intellectual development of students at Rutgers University; 
  • Dr. Kate Cairns, Assistant Professor of Childhood Studies, received the Presidential Fellowship for Teaching Excellence; this award honors newly-promoted and tenured members of the faculty who have made truly outstanding contributions to teaching during their early years at Rutgers;
  • Dr. Kelly E. Dittmar, Assistant Professor of Political Science, received the Presidential Fellowship for Teaching Excellence; this award honors newly-promoted and tenured members of the faculty who have made truly outstanding contributions to teaching during their early years at Rutgers; and 
  • Dr. Andrew Shankman, Professor of History, received the Scholar-Teacher Award, which honors tenured faculty members who have made outstanding synergistic contributions in research and teaching. This award recognizes those who make visible the vital link between teaching and scholarship, by contributing to the scholarship of teaching and by bringing together scholarly and classroom activities.

The Spanish for Health Care Program, a collaboration between the School of Nursing-Camden and the Department of World Languages and Cultures, receive a Clement A. Price Human Dignity Award. The award was presented to Dr. Gloria Bonilla-Santiago, Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor of Public Policy and Administration and Director, Community Leadership Center; Dr. Ana Laguna, Associate Professor of Spanish; Ms. Dana Pilla, Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish; and Dr. Nancy Pontes, Assistant Professor of Nursing. 

Additionally, the following faculty have received campus-wide awards: