As part of their Continuing Education in Historic Preservation program, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH) will sponsor the 10-week course, “Materials and Techniques of Historic Restoration and Rehabilitation.”  This course offers an overview of different materials commonly used in this region and the techniques for their repair.  Materials to be examined are: masonry (stone, brick, concrete, terra cotta, mortar), wood, finishes, plaster, and metals.  The class will discuss techniques utilized to read historic evidence in buildings and be introduced to rehabilitation codes.  Beginning on January 30th, this course will run through April 10th.  The course times are 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. and will take place in the Campus Center. 

Bob Russell, a partner in the Princeton-area firm Holt Morgan Russell Architects, will instruct the course. 

Registration is mandatory.  The cost of the program is $250.00 and students will earn 2 Continuing Education Unit credits and 20 AIA LU credits.